
road traffic signs on the color of the design principles

Most psychologists believe, is the best color for visual provoke a stimulus to the cord. Stimulation of different colors gives rise to a different way of thinking reflects the secret meaning, that produce different effects visibility thus enhancing people's visual recognition capabilities, according to research shows that under the given Road traffic signs  line of sight due to the different colors of the zygomatic the corresponding area of ​​the visual clarity from the foregoing, in the same visual refused under, road traffic signs most obvious color to yellow, followed by white, red, blue, green, black and so on. In the visual recognition clarity, color combinations election booth is also essential. General Mingguang color and dark mix of visual clarity is the best. Color sampling road traffic signs, in addition to considering the line of sight from the Solar Traffic Sign  but also from the psychological effect on people's consideration, and therefore the choice of various colors leap road traffic signs are basically the same. Such as red on human visual stimulation exceptionally strong engender a sense of danger, in traffic means stop, constraints of Italy, it is commonly used in the ban marked in red states; yellow more eye-catching, to arouse attention, containing for warning, warning Italy, the color used on warning signs; the meaning of the blue with a quiet, more for the signs; green containing quiet, rich sense of security leading to the meaning of peace, reflective traffic signs  can be expressed in the passage of traffic on the highway. guide signs, such as the population mark, since the end of signs, toll road traffic signs, adopted green; white and black color with the zygomatic major role played to enhance the color and distinctive feel.

