During the day the solar panels absorb sunlight , the solar energy into electrical energy stored in the energy storage device , in the evening , the energy storage device is automatically converted into light energy ( through the photoelectric switch control ) , light emitted by LED to outline pattern profile convey traffic information .
EarlySolar Traffic sign, basically a light box , the circuit , controller, batteries are placed in cabinets . Its drawbacks: box is too heavy, too bulky solar panels , is not conducive to packaging, transport, during transport , often causing internal damage ; battery and circuitry are enclosed in cabinets , should be replaced; cabinet is too large, sealed sex should not be controlled ;
Monocrystalline Solar signs solar modules based energy , no grid support , without geographical restrictions , easy to use ! It uses solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity during the day and stored in the signs , and when the night falls, the light is dim or poor weather, rain and fog sight , the light-emitting diode signs on automatically start flashing light particularly bright , eye-catching , with strong warning. Especially in the absence of the power of the highway, the construction site and dangerous locations often moving , this can take the initiative luminous signs reflect a special warning, which is visible from the reflective film reflective material signs as five times , its dynamic effect is common signs can not be replaced.